
  • Harry Potter and the Ancient Human empire

    Harry isn't just mean't to defeat Voldemort, a Month Before the Second book, He Comes across Dudley watching Halo 4 Terminals, and he feels a familier chill to it, It is Time for the Return of The Lord of Admirals.

  • Legend of Zelda: Skyward Black Flag

    He Awakes to a world, and is thrown headfirst into a prophecy he knows nothing about, its up to him to train the hero, and the hero to protect the maiden and defeat evil. get ready for insanity. and Rum, because Rum.

  • Neo-Devil's Ideas and Challenges

    As the Title state, its merely for Ideas or Challenges that pop in my head, the bottom of each 'chapter' will show whether its an Idea, challenge, or both. if its a challenge, then by all means take the challenge, if its an Idea, it is propably something I'll work on, but you are welcome to base things off it, if its both, I think you get the Idea.