

  • Can't Be Convicted, She's Earned Her Degree

    Toni might be extremely irritable lately and the kid might not have grown out of his Terrible Twos yet, but at least Steve's got things under control. Sequel to She Can Lead You To Love (Take You or Leave You), which means genderswap and post-wwii au

  • On the Wings

    "And what do you know?" Jimmy hisses. He can feel himself tearing up, and he is a bloody girl, isn't he? He's always known it, deep down, always felt it- he'll never be a real man, not so long as he's bonded to a female dragon and forced to roll over like one. "You've never had to- to do that." Pern inspired, vaguely dubcon.

  • Not Quite Jane Addams

    "Right, then," he says again, wiping his sweaty palms down his thighs. "I'm Thomas, Dr. Clarkson's graduate assistant. Er. Daisy said you needed a field placement?" Written for the Take Your Fandom to Work Meme

  • Nanny Barrow Gets a Kiss

    When he gets back to the butler's pantry, Mrs. Hughes breaks off from her serious conversation with Mr. Carson to wave Thomas in. "Nanny Moore has taken ill, as well," she says, looking frazzled. Follows (The Very Modern) Mr. Barrow Gives Up Smoking

  • Mr Barrow Has a Manly Fall

    The second day of the illness, Mr. Barrow is, if anything, even worse. When Jimmy brings his breakfast tray, he's sweating like mad in his sleep and won't rouse for anything. Jimmy sets the tray down so hard he's sure the teacup chips (and they'll laugh later, he's sure, about how much crockery this fever cost the house). Follows Nanny Barrow Gets a Kiss

  • Mr Barrow Has a Tiff

    Jimmy looks at the sternness of his face and swallows roughly. There's a pout about his lips that almost makes Thomas feel badly for scolding him, but then Jimmy waves the letter about again and says, "What about Stewart, then?" Follows Mr. Barrow Has a Manly Fall

  • Hey Kids, Shake It Loose Together

    Ten years after that first summer, Benny and Scotty hear a song with a catchy chorus.

  • The Invasion of Mastering Love

    With the miracle that Sarah O'Brien manages to pull out of her hat, it's like all of Thomas's vaguest daydreams come true. He's not so eager to her face, of course. He'll not owe her, not even for this, not even for the promotion to Sergeant and the chance to be near Edward again. Sequel to 'Though Often I've Called You Sweet.'

  • (The Very Modern) Mr Barrow Gives Up Smoking

    Modern!AU in which Mr. Barrow gives up smoking and instead takes up lollipops, much to Jimmy's dismay. In the Mr. Barrow Gets the Guy series. *Spoiler alerts for Mr. Barrow Has a Chat, Mr. Barrow Takes a Half-Day, Mr. Barrow Tells a Secret, and Mr. Barrow Loses His Glove*

  • If Not, That's Okay

    Mr. Barrow stares at him, apparently uncomprehending, for a long, long moment. Then he takes a sharp breath in. "Exactly how hard did you hit your head, Jimmy?" he asks slowly, and his face has gone past worry and into deep fear. "Do you not know where we are?" Or, the one where Jimmy gets amnesia. Futurefic.

  • Mr Barrow Takes a Half-Day

    Just who exactly is Mr. Barrow meeting in Ripon? pre-slash. Sequel to Mr. Barrow Has a Chat

  • Mr Barrow Tells a Secret

    "There's one thing I don't understand, though, Mr. Barrow," Jimmy says on the bus back. "It's just… why don't you marry her? Agatha, I mean." pre-slash. sequel to Mr. Barrow Takes a Half-Day.

  • Mr Barrow Loses His Glove

    "For dinner Thomas considers going to the livery and fetching a spare pair of footman's gloves, but in the end he decides he can't stomach the indignity of it." pre-slash. sequel to Mr. Barrow Tells a Secret.

  • Mr Barrow Has a Chat

    Thomas doesn't know when the staring starts. He notices it sometime between May Day and Empire Day, sometime between luncheon and tea. Also known as, that time Thomas chats with a hall boy. Pre-slash.

  • Though Often I've Called You Sweet

    Edward is soft, deceptively so, with his thin mouth and his thin shoulders that hide a gentleman's soul. He's sweet, and like a fly to honey, Thomas orbits him, waiting, waiting, taking every chance he can to touch him and losing pieces of himself with every pass. For the first time in Thomas's silly life, he falls for someone's personality before their looks. Pre-slash fix-it.