
  • It Is Finished

    AU: the two brothers were staring the each other, disgusted by what their counterpart had become. With the fate of the world on the line, the timid boy must face his fears and overcome them, even if it meant he had to lose his brother to the dark abyss forever. However, someone very precious to both of them intervened and revealed what must be done.

  • Light

    HIATUS:Reboot AU: A shooting star can guide people to hope. No one believes this more than Geo Stelar, who hopes that his missing father will return home one day. Refusing to be with others, he stares at the night sky by himself trying to figure out a way to overcome his inner demons. That is when a life changing encounter occurs and he makes a decision that will change everything.

  • The Flash

    AU: In this death game, one must decide to either wait around for someone to end the nightmare or use their own strength to conquer it. Her journeys eventually caused her to be recognized as strong, yet it wasn't enough. She just continued fighting, unknowingly gathering people around her that cared about her. This is the story of SAO's strongest female, The Flash, Yuuki Asuna.