
  • Where Trouble Is

    Marian tends to cause trouble all on her own. Trouble tends to follow wherever Allan goes. So when the two of them find themselves in a spot of trouble, mostly thanks to Marian...Allan can't help but cause a bit of his own. The two of them are simply where trouble is.

  • In Just Five

    This is a responce to Pinky Green's Five Senses Challenge. Sirius and Hermione go through the five senses with eachother. Fun Fic. HG/SB rated T. Details and location of Challenge inside.

  • Breathing Is Sometimes Hard To Come By

    Hermione has a hard time focusing on her work . Remus/Hermione. Fun Fic. Rate M for a reason.

  • Consequnces of Past

    She changed everything, and lost the one thing important to her. But was it really so bad in the end? [HG/JP] [HG/SB].

  • Boxes

    He's leaving her. It's not like she didn't know it was going to come down to this, but it hurts anyway. (Sad Ficlet).

  • Piece Of Me

    Hermione realizes to late that she is addicted to Fenrir Greyback, and that it would be pointless to fight it so late into the game. It was all her doing afterall. (Dark Ficlet)(Rare Pairing.)

  • They Dance

    A sensual dance by an unnamed couple. Who knew that just dancing could be so sexy.

  • Mind Games

    Hermione and Remus are trapped in a wicked game of sorts. A fight for survival is needed, along with cunning wit and sharp intellect. Someone is really sick in the mind and is toying with our beloved characters for kicks and giggles. HG/RL. Rated M.

  • If Only I Could

    Yes anouther 'Hermione gets sent to the Marauders time period' fic. Only this one has an extreamly interesting, unexpected twist or should I say twists. Oh come on, if I told you what it was that would spoil it, so just read it! Hermione/Sirius.