

  • Whispers in the Dark

    Adopted from Bittersweet Alias : AU: Harry's been sent to Azkaban, but the thing is, he actually deserves to be there. While inside, he gets to see things in a much different way. Rodolphus/Harry RLHP Slash Dark!Harry

  • The Slytherin's Read

    After 4th year, the Slytherins have a choice to make. To help them, Hogwarts sends them the Harry Potter books.

  • Messing With The Mind

    When Severus Snape discovers something about Harry Potter, he and Lucius Malfoy go to Privet Drive where they discover something disturbing about the Boy-Who-Lived. Evil!Dumbledore Good!Voldemort Severitus HP/MF

  • Twisted

    Years after Harry graduated from Hogwarts, his biggest threat escapes from Azkaban.