
  • Silent Affections

    An extremely short one-shot. Jazmine's going through depression.

  • Realization

    Just a short two shot of Jasmine discovering Huey's domestic terrorist accusation.

  • Monster

    "Sometimes I forget what its like outside, or if there is one at all. I'm sometimes convinced that there's nothing out there but darkness, and that my memories are the shadows of forgotten dreams." His grip went visibly slack, and for a moment, the guardians began to wonder.

  • Silence

    Extremely short one-shot in which Huey and Jazmine admit their feelings for one another. Less than 400 words.

  • My Only Sunshine

    Life is a roller coaster, as cliché as that sounds, and one moment when you're at the top you can come crashing down. When you reach that low, you have to pull strength from where you have none, and commit yourself to getting back on track. Jackunzel, mericup.

  • Lonely

    The title pretty much explains it. Oneshot.

  • The Funniest Thing

    As a freelance spirit, Jack overhears many funny conversations...or so he says. Oneshot.

  • A ROTBTD Christmas

    It's Jack's first Christmas at the pole, and things couldn't get better. Just as they're opening presents, however, Jack's gift explodes and disorients everyone. When the smoke clears the Guardians, including the big four, are shocked to find that somehow Jack has split into 12 different parts of his personality! Very long Oneshot. R&R!

  • If You Need Me

    Just a short oneshot of Jazmine gaining her devotion for Huey. They're both ten.

  • The Young Revolutionary

    Thoughts on our favorite domestic terrorist and the girl who listened.

  • Secret Affections

    Just a one shot of Huey and Jazmine dating. Nothing big.

  • Playground Battles

    Huey and Riley's first fight at J Edgar elementary. Oc's aren't major characters.