

  • Crayons and Insanity

    Willow went insane after the events of "Grave". With the help of Giles and the Devon coven, she's better, now, but she's still not really all there. And with whatever evil Sunnydale's got in store, things could get, well, insane. Written because this site just doesn't have enough Willow angst (note the sarcasm). S7 AU.

  • Doodles of Fear or Freedom or Maybe Both

    "She held onto something inside her as she painted, curls and coils spiraling in icy bursts like some swirling storm in her soul." Elsa's always been a super creative person. After all, how else could she build such a magnificent palace? But she's also a super depressed person. Why can't she just write angsty poetry like any other sad, lonely princess would probably do?