

  • The Magician's Assitant

    "You do understand the function of the magician's assistant, do you?" "Yeah, she's there to distract them as he set's up the trick." In this case, the magician's assistant is Marion; whom was contracted by the eye along with her boyfriend, Jack Wilder, and her father, Merritt McKinney, in order to act as the manager of the 4 Horseman and make sure this act runs smoothly.

  • Quidditch and Hot Chocolate

    "I would happen to love to go on a date with a Quidditch obsessed nut! It is one of the things I like about you, Oliver!" Katie said hotly. Oliver's gaze snapped up to meet his chasers. "You actually mean that?" or Katie and Oliver finally tell each other how they feel all thanks to Professor McGonagall, hot chocolate, and of course, Quidditch.

  • Quidditch and Hot Chocolate

    "I would happen to love to go on a date with a Quidditch obsessed nutter! It is one of the things I like about you, Oliver!" Katie said hotly. Oliver's gaze snapped up to meet his chasers. "You actually mean that?" or Katie and Oliver finally tell each other how they feel all thanks to Professor McGonagall, hot chocolate, and of course, Quidditch.

  • Written in the Stars

    My life was normal- or as normal as it is to be an alien teenager on earth- before the stars told me that I would play a key part in the Atrian Uprising. Now I have to juggle being a student at a human school, watching out for my cousin who was falling in love with a human, and trying to save the boy I love from going down the wrong road. It sucks being able to read the stars.

  • The Right Partner

    One day and experiment of Tony's explodes before Darcy can get to safety and rather than blowing her up,she is knocked out and transported to the 1940s. She doesn't remember a thing about her past..more like future. Instead, she is Darcy Rogers; wife of Steve Rogers and loyal friend to Bucky Barnes. This follows her journey as wife of Captain America and nurse to Howling Commandos.

  • The Midnight Snack Club

    Darcy is crying one night as she watches a particular movie. Steve discovers her and decides to comfort her by watching the movie with her. Starcy!

  • The Coffee Thief

    Dear Miss. Darcy Lewis, I hope this cup of coffee begins to make up for yesterday. If not, here is my number so we can discuss how I can make it up to you over dinner. Yours, The Coffee Thief a.k.a Brock Rumlow. In which Rumlow steals Darcy's coffee after a particularly bad morning and wants to make it up to her.

  • A Girl worth Fighting for

    "You know," Skye says, putting the movie on pause, "Mulan sounds a lot like Agent May." Grant looks at her skeptically. "I don't think May sounds like her at all." "Who do I or do not sound like?" Features Innocent!Ward

  • Safe and Sound

    He just smiles and kisses her again, finally happy to take the next step forward now that his girl is safe and sound. Winter Skye pairing.

  • The Apple Tree

    At the age of 8, Elaine met Tristan for the first time at the top of an apple tree. From then on, all important milestones in their relationship happened at that tree. "Everything important that has happened in our relationship has been at this tree." "So why don't we name her Avalon?"

  • The Last Goodbye

    "Will he- they- be alright? Elwll asked Dis. Dis glanced at the young dwarven woman. The look on her daughter-in-laws face was identical to Dis's when she waved her husband off to battle for the first (and last) time. "My boys are strong like their father, uncle, and grandfather; but you never know when it will be your last goodbye."

  • 3 Times before they Speak

    Their first meeting was at Union Station. The met again a week later in a small internet café in Miami. Neither know the others name until they meet again in Switzerland, where Skye finally takes the chance and introduces herself to the mysterious man with the metal arm.