

  • The Doctor Who Waited

    Christmas wasn't the first holiday the Doctor saved Clara from. Written for One True Podcast's 2013 Christmas Charity Fanfic Drive.

  • In a Flash

    A collection of Jeff/Annie flash fics. Not necessarily connected. All taking place after Basic Sandwich.

  • Stolen Hearts

    Hook and Aurora on a quest to get her heart back. Canon divergent.

  • Tired

    Sometimes, a busy Pie Hole is more exhausting than crime solving.

  • Got You

    A fic of the MSF. They just walk away! Beth lives! This is the universe I've decided to live in now! UPDATE: Coding problem should be fixed now

  • Hate

    Maybe it takes one to know one… She thinks that, in a horrible way, Ward might be the only one who can really see what she truly is. Extremely dark Skyeward fic. Incredibly unhealthy sexual relationship. You've been warned.