

  • Simple Gifts

    A 'Twelve Days of Christmas' story with a 'Butterfly Effect' twist. Even in the worst tragedies, one can find simple gifts. Third season AU. *COMPLETE*

  • Letters From Home

    Mail day on seaQuest clears up some unresolved issues between Ben and Jonathan. Set after the events of Bad Water. First season, one-shot. *COMPLETE*

  • Feels Like Home

    Written for a plot bunny given to me by murphycat, a series of unfortunate events cause Nathan and Kristin to become stranded on Nathan's island. However, once there, secrets come out, revealing their true feelings for one another. First season. Slightly AU. Two-shot. *COMPLETE*

  • Just Keep Swimming

    Written for The Reviews Lounge, Too Disney song challenge. A collection of one-shots involving our favorite characters with a sprinkling of Disney inspiration. Because when life gets the seaQuest crew down, they just have to keep swimming.

  • Private Parts

    Gift!fic for jujuone23. Set after A Higher Power, Nathan and Kristin have finally declared their love for one another, but now what's holding Nathan back? And will it mean desire or disaster for our favorite couple? First season, canon, two-shot. *COMPLETE*

  • Head Over Feet

    Birthday gift!fic for Madam'zelleGiry. Set after Greed For A Pirate's Dream, the UEO decides to implement a new policy, which also brings certain feelings to light. First season, canon, one-shot. *COMPLETE*

  • Lost Souls

    Halloween decorating turns into a nightmare. ALTERNATE ENDING ADDED. First season AU. *COMPLETE*

  • Hope Has A Place

    Birthday fic for BluNephilu. Tony finds help in an unexpected place. One-shot. No slash. *COMPLETE*

  • Irrelevant

    Sequel to I Get To Love You. A between seasons one and two story. Kristin is forced to make a life-altering decision. Teaser fic for A Familiar Taste Of Poison, a future WIP. *COMPLETE*

  • The Navy Wives Club

    Kristin never thought she'd get to know Carol Bridger in such a unique way. Second season AU. One-shot. *COMPLETE*

  • The Greatest Thing

    Set in season six, Phyl realizes just how frightening Bev's overdose was and wants to make sure Bev knows her feelings in case anything ever did happen. One-shot. *COMPLETE*

  • Boomerang

    Written for The Reviews Lounge, Too Springtime Gift!fic exchange. This is a gift for Madam'zelleGiry. Set in 2021; Kristin and Nathan have parted ways, but that doesn't mean the love doesn't still exist. When Kristin finds herself pregnant, help from an unexpected source helps her to see things from a new perspective and realize where she belongs. Second season AU. *COMPLETE*

  • It's About Time

    A missing scene from A Higher Power. It's about time Kristin and Nathan have their quiet dinner, isn't it? First season, one-shot. *COMPLETE*

  • Thicker Than Blood

    A Hermione/Snape friendship story written for SiriouslyPeeved's birthday. Pre-Deathly Hallows, slightly AU. *COMPLETE*

  • From Here To The Moon And Back

    A Minerva McGonagall one-shot written for Hannie J's birthday. AU. ALTERED TO COMPLY WITH SITE RULES.*COMPLETE*