
  • After never ever after

    What happens when everyone from Legend of Korra doesn't have their bending skills and is just like us, goes to school and has problems just like us? Well this is a weird story about it. It'll be a Tahno X oc , Mako x Oc , Mako x Korra and a bit of Oc x Oc...You'll find out why later on. M for language and for some other things.

  • A night with Pirate England? Lemon one-shot

    Some dreams are bigger than others, some dreams don't even seem like dreams. What happens when a young woman encounters Pirate! England and has the night of her life, only to find out she fell asleep and it was a dream...or was it? Pirate! England x Oc M for sexual theme's

  • Memories forgotten?

    England forgets his whole life due to a backfiring of a spell, can his girlfriend help him remember who he is or will they have to start from scratch? M for sexual content. WARNING HUMAN NAMES USED! Disclaimer: I don't own shit but my oc Sarina. Shandra and England belong to someone else

  • Love me, Love me nots

    Genesis gets shocking news of his only female friend in SOLDIER and doesn't know what to do about the news until its too late. What happens when friend ship turns into a relationship? And that friendship was because of the Female's elder brother?

  • too much to think about

    This is just a little story in seto's pov

  • Forever secret lovers

    Yuki has always loved Kyo's twin younger sister, but what happens when she just so happens to go to the same school and him and Kyo? With Kyo being well...Himself and being a brute to his sister, can Yuki keep her from staying as the forbidden form she was cursed as or will he just harm her even more Yuki X oc M for sexual themes

  • Waiting too long

    Gilbert can't shake off a feeling that he got being around a certain girl. Can he figure out why or will it be always a mystery to him. Rated M for sexual themes

  • You're the only one

    Chazz can't seem to figure out weather or not to be with Alexis or his best friend Xalia, what will happen when he realizes that he was picking the wrong girl all along.

  • Don't get too close

    Claude wants nothing more than to be with Hannah and vise versa...But Hannah doesn't want to be disappointed by Claude since he acts just like ever other male she has come by. Can he make her see that there is more to him that he shows? Claude F. X Hannah A. Takes place during the time period that they brain wash Ciel.

  • The loving haunted

    Touma finding a different job to do since being an idol failed him, what will happen when he meets up with a girl from his past, but doesn't know it until she stops him from walking away from her?

  • Because I love you!

    Yami Bakura X oc M for Sexual themes Dedication for Elvenwannabe

  • More than just a job

    What happens when Seto's assistant is actually his best friend...make that is only friend that he had in school. He also happens to have the hugest crush on her, but can he tell her before its too late for them both? Seto x oc M for sexual themes

  • Don't say no to me

    Arthur has tried to keep Mellina with him only to argue with her over and over again. But now she wants to leave him, can he make her stay with him or will she leave him for good? Rated M for sexual themes.

  • Bring back time

    A duke x Oc one-shot. What would happen if he had a love life and had the chance to change the fate of the one he loved

  • Don't judge me!

    Felicano and Antonio knows that Lovino has been a lazy butt around Italy so they place him in Greenland to make new friends and hopefully get a girlfriend. What little do they know that it works in the weirdest way possible. Southern Italy X Greenland.

  • Trust your heart, trust what you see in me

    Yusei and Ara are two people that have tried to prove to every other teenager that Sex isn't everything only to break their vow to themselves by being with each other after being set up by Akiza. Yusei x oc with a bit of Jack x oc in the beginning and a mentioning of Jack x Akiza