Draic Kin of the Balance

  • Don't Let Me Drown

    1-shot. A Marriage of Silk and Steel 'verse. "It has been four months. Four months since Mary's execution, and Francis can't remember when she starts to manifest before him. He sees her everywhere, all the time. It begins as mere flashes; one minute, Mary will be there and the next, she will be gone."

  • A Marriage of Silk and Steel

    AU. As the plague sweeps across France, the blood of countries is shed and the alliance between France and Scotland unravels. In the midst of it all is Mary, Queen of Scots, as political and personal vendettas threaten to destroy everything.

  • Razors On Your Seducing Skin

    1-shot. Coda to 2.03 "Coronation". "Do you like that?" asks Francis. "Do you like it when I kiss every inch of your body, while watching and feeling you squirm under me?" His lips are at her ear, tantalizing and taunting her.

  • Just Another Loop in the Hangman's Noose

    1-shot. A Marriage of Silk and Steel 'verse. "He knows he is too late. It doesn't matter if he reaches her; the deed will already be done. The screaming of the crowd deafens him, and all he can see is Mary, kneeling at the block, the executioner's sword raised high above her neck."

  • If These Wings Could Fly

    1-shot. Coda to 1.22. A father's death leaves wounds that only time can mend, but what of guilt?

  • When You Rise

    ONE-SHOT / 1.22 "Slaughter of Innocence" / "I am the king of France now; I need to be strong. For my country, for my wife, for my brother. A king does not show weakness. I look straight ahead; I need to get out of here. I need...my brother."