
  • There's a Dwarf at the Door

    The Battle of Five Armies was months ago. The heirs of Durin survived, and have rebuilt Erebor into a thriving dwarvish society. But some things never change, and when Kili sneaks out one night on some mischievous errand, Fili follows him. The thing is, Thorin might be a bit put out that he wasn't invited. Based on Peter Jackson's masterpieces.

  • Insubordination, Lieutenant

    Another plan having come together, the team is on their way to the next job. But Face isn't acting like himself. Refusing orders, defying Hannibal...the kid's got himself neck-deep in a pretty serious case of regular military insubordination. Hannibal thinks there might be a deeper reason behind this sudden outbreak, and it's up to him to find out what it is. First A-Team one-shot.

  • The Lift

    On second thought, maybe it would have been a better option to take the stairs. When Sherlock goes missing from a lift in the new high-rise downtown, John has almost nothing to go on but a few garbled texts. Will Sherlock be able to resist the manic experiment of a presumed-dead scientist and keep his sanity long enough for John to find him?

  • Esprit de Corps

    Sherlock hates Christmas. John figures it's just his sociopathic tendencies kicking in, but it could very well be something more. Just what is that mysterious gift that Mycroft left by the flat for his brother, anyway, and why is Sherlock so protective of it? A short, two-part fiction in which a glimpse into Sherlock's childhood could give us everything we need to know.

  • Behind the Iron Beasts

    Major Jamie Stewart of the British Cavalry is one of only men to survive the charge on the German guns. When he finds himself in a German POW camp, he sets about leading a "quiet revolution", winning the respect of the other prisoners. But has someone else noticed his efforts? More importantly, will Jamie's bravery earn him unwanted attention from the camp guards? T for beatings.

  • The Mirror

    I was alone in a room. Waiting to meet HIM. But I wasn't ready. And it looked like, if left to myself, I never would be. K for mentions of unintentional self-harm.

  • Regar

    Fili and Kili are just little dwarrows, after all. They have never faced a warg before. But there's a first time for everything! The problem is, the boys aren't in the mood for "facing" a warg at all, despite their usual bravado. And what on earth will Dis have to say when she finds the washing knocked over? PLEASE REVIEW!

  • I, Malchus

    I'm a Roman slave in the house of Caiaphas. My friend had already been made a Centurion; my master promised me the same if I served him well. My task was simple. To write and record what happened at the arrest of a rabble-rouser and insurgent, one Jesus of Nazareth. But by the end of that night, my life would change. And the miracle? I don't even have the scar to show for it.

  • Son of Dis

    The dwarves of Erebor wander the bitter winterlands with their ragged army of refugees. Even through harrowing conditions, there's still a little time to celebrate Yule, as far as Tili is concerned. Meanwhile, Dis has a secret; one she's kept from her husband for fear of what he might think. But is tonight, perhaps, the time to tell him of her unexpected gift? A Christmas one-shot.

  • Nightmares and Promises

    John and Mary's little girl Brealy is having a hard time sleeping. And it's Daddy's turn to calm her down. A very short oneshot about the time John got to tell his little daughter about the vow Sherlock made at his wedding. Probably kind of AU because I have no idea how it's going to go with Mary's baby in the show. But I liked the idea of Brealy. A sweet family fiction.

  • Hope, To Vanquish Evil

    Elrohir has a baby brother. Definitely not something he is used to. When the young prince discovers a scene of disaster in the Hall of Relics, he must track down errant little Estel from the scene of the crime. But when he finds him, will he know how to handle it? Sometimes firmness is needed, but sometimes children just need to be loved for being children. From a prompt by NirCele

  • Ransom

    A missing person. Anonymous phone calls. Ransom demands. But this time, John doesn't have Sherlock to lead the investigation. Why? Because Sherlock's the hostage. When the kidnapper begins to send photographs to John as incentive to work faster, will John be able to work out where Sherlock is being held and get to him in time? A little bit dark, but with a happy ending.

  • Almost a Bad Day

    An hour ago, Kili was sent on an errand for Amad. He's taking forever, and Fili goes to look for his little brother in town. When he happens upon some bullies harassing Kili in an alley, what follows is the Durin boys' first battle. But will Uncle Thorin be understanding, or will the boys be punished for getting in a fight? Contains references to corporal discipline.

  • When Kili Showed His Worth

    When the Goblin King singles Ori out as the youngest, thereby condemning him to torture, Kili can't stand idly by. He steps forward and owns his true age as the youngest of the company. His Malevolence is delighted. Thorin is livid. And Fili is determined his brother will get through this, and is prepared to do whatever necessary to ensure it. Based on Peter Jackson's Movies.