
  • Revelation for a Dark Soul

    [summary rewrite] They were partners since the start of the rebellion 10 years ago, but on their last assignment, they fell off the grid. 13 years later, they're found by both old friends, and new foes. When age begins to take it's toll, it'll be up to the new generation to amend their father's sins. but, how far a price would they pay along the way?

  • Shared Past, Separate Future

    They met as children, friends with a common hardship. Until they were separated for many years. Only to see each other again in Beacon, however, not on the same team anymore. With sides drawn, only time will tell whether their love or loyalty will eventually prevail.

  • She's Me, and I'm Her

    His old name was forgotten, his people written off as a fairy tale. And after being the sole success of an old man's twisted dream, Jaune must forge his own path as an inevitable storm approaches the four known kingdoms. However, little does the world know, a fifth kingdom is about to make itself known. (Summary Rewrite)

  • Pls Kiss Here, Jaune

    While the girls are away, what will happen when an unrequited love gets the better of a usually quiet teammates?

  • Father meets Monster

    Kegi Springfield's challenge: Jaune, meet Jaune. in this story, a Fatherly Jaune meets a more inhuman version of himself.