
  • Analytics

    After Izuku's analytical ability is revealed while playing video games, Izuku begins working with his classmates on their quirks. Can this help the rest of class 1-A though? Spoilers: Yes, yes it can. Figuring out how will be the interesting part though.

  • Inheritance

    Ten years ago, Izuku Midoriya loved All Might, adored Kacchan, and wanted so desperately to finally gain his Quirk. Ten years ago, Izuku Midoriya got his wish, and turned out to have a Quirk so dangerous and powerful, All Might and the police were forced to intervene. Now, ten years after, he's back to Japan, brittle and sour, tired of Toshinori looming over his shoulder.

  • Withdrawn

    Hero society is trembling, and at its base is UA. The next generation of heroes has to come to grips with a changing world in the fallout of the battle with the Paranormal Liberation Front. The threat is growing, and some hard decisions will have to be made. A few will have those decisions taken from them, but when a door is closed, a window may be forced open.

  • Exchange of Nature

    It was a simple mistake. The nurse could hardly be blamed. After all, babies look the same right after they're born.

  • Keeping The Mask

    What if Hans hadn't told Anna the truth? What if Hans had decided to try to find another way of saving Anna to confirm the legitimacy of his soon to be rule? What if Hans kept his mask of civility and honor while scheming and backstabbing? Can a villain pretend to be a hero and really get away with it?