
  • Black Magic in the House!

    When Dumbledore get a letter from the Muggle Rulers of Norway, England, and Romania concerning the Country Representatives, the Magic Trio get sent to Hogwarts the same year Harry Potter starts. However, Lord Voldemort heard about the Magic Trio so they thought Hogwarts was the safest place for them. Or is it? Not only that, they bring a few more people as well.

  • Hetalia Mania!

    14 girls get sucked into the Hetalia, and they find more than craziness and adventure. Will the countries survive the craziness that they bring? Or will they fall trying? (NOW BEING REWRITTEN!)

  • Hetalia Music

    Our favorite countries love all kinds of music, and so when some of them decided to bring some to the Meetings, things get WAY too much. Plus America also starts a concert, starring the World! What will happen?

  • The Five Guardians

    The Dimensional Rift has been closed to the worlds for almost a Millennium. All because of Oragoth and Aku, the Doors of Old were sealed forever, with Five Guardians silently watching from five crystal pillars. What will become of all of them when the doors are opened once again?

  • Hetalia Craziness!

    I don't own anything in this. Please enjoy the Hetalians, and all the craziness they bring. Rated T for language.

  • PIES! Pies Everywhere!

    Pies enter the lives of the Hetalians! What will happen! -Oneshot!-

  • Triple Time Trio

    Susan, Chiara, and Isabel, three of the many Hetalia fangirls in the world. This troublesome trio is, very insane like if you get on their bad side. Susan would act like a 2P and take out a drive blade from out of nowhere, Chiara would offer you 3 day to live until you apologized, and Isabel would give you bad luck. But when the Hetalians are in this crazy picture, there's trouble.

  • Shine On!

    Five girls get pulled into Hetalia: The Beautiful World series and they bring something that could result major disorder through both of their worlds. The five want to put a stop to the evil they brought, but it seems that evil wants them! Will the five and the countries put a stop to the evil that threatens them? Rated T for Language and France.

  • Kuro's Birthday Story

    This is for Black Dragon Valkyire, my older sister figure! I hope you like this onee-chan!