
  • Dead and the Descendant

    Eric is finally free 100 years after he began his marriage contract with Freyda in Oklahoma. Denied his happy ending, he returns to Bon Temps only to meet an eerily familiar blonde. Rated T-M Eric, Pam, OC, Niall, Bill, Claude, and a little Sookie.

  • The Price of Living

    The Doctor must take a dangerous journey to save Gallifrey, his family, and himself, but what will the universe demand in return? Can one ever really get a second chance? What price is one willing to pay for love and family when one has nothing left? Eventual 11/Rose. Family Fic. 11, 8, 9, & 10, Rose, Bad Wolf, Jack, OC's, Rassilon, Braxiatel, the Master, & some Tentoo.

  • Stolen Hours

    The Alpha and Jack hide from the Doctor and responsibility for a few hours in the vortex. Missing scene One-shot set between ch19 Cardiff Again and ch20 Down the Rabbit Hole in The Price of Living. Jack H/Selene Tyler angsty/romance/comedy rated M.