

  • Sleep well, sister

    Contrary to popular belief, Elsa did make contact with Anna once when they were growing up, only Anna wasn't awake to witness it. Elsa, drowning in guilt, has to check on her baby sister.. no matter how reckless it is.

  • The Thing About a Baby

    Usagi is pregnant with Chibiusa and hilarity, fluffiness, and angst ensues. A series of long-ish drabbles regarding Mamoru and Usagi (and the senshi) as they prepare for a certain pink-haired terror.

  • Nightmares

    Usagi had never stopped fighting, not really.

  • Neo-Queen Serenity and Usagi go to couple's therapy

    Neo-Queen Serenity and Usagi get some much needed help, all while making the poor therapist go crazy.

  • You'll Be Okay

    After falling in her study Elsa blacks out. Suddenly, she has the chance to speak to her younger self. What will she say?

  • Late Night Snack

    Anna can't sleep so she ventures into the kitchen for a late night snack, and she finds the last person she would expect to see indulging as well.

  • Draco Malfoy discovers Muggle technology

    NOT TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY! Draco discovers muggle prouducts, with the help of Hermione and Harry. crack!fic

  • The Death Eaters Spare Time

    What do the Death Eaters do in their spare time? Your about to find out. Crack!fic Not to be take siriusly intended.

  • Rules Of the Purebloods

    Draco learns the hard way, their are certain people purebloods talk to, and mudbloods aren't one of those people. Read the warnings inside : Mean Lucius, with a hint if Dramione.

  • How Draco Malfoy REALLY became a Deatheater

    Crack!Fic Galore! Voldemort wants Draco to kill Dumbledore, but Draco just wants his beanbag chair, and Hermione Granger.