
  • The Moment Explodes

    Every stupid, life-before-your-eyes cliche, Could I please go out some less expected way? *Based off of the song of the same name from "If/Then". I recommend listening to it first. **Character Death. Read at own risk.

  • How We Operate

    A short fic on how we operate as humans. Hotch and Prentiss, AU fic. Based off of the episode of "Grey's Anatomy" called 'Elevator Love Letter'.

  • Love Will Show You Everything

    When Aaron Hotchner doesn't make the deal, George Foyet hunts him down. They play a vicious game, getting the people that Aaron is closest to, and may even love, involved, including his new girlfriend. In order to protect her, his ex-wife and son, he sends them into witness protection, however, his girlfriend refuses, causing him to worry even more. *My take on s4x26.*