Xtina Jones

  • More than Enough

    "He awakens a bit less groggy than the last few times he's come-to in the hospital. He turns and she's there, just as she's been every time before and for all the other times he can't fully remember." A S7 speculation fic in which there is Caskett, a mysterious gift, and equal measures of fluff and angst.

  • All Right in the End

    Another S7 speculation fic: "Take me to my wife," he demands (not caring that technically she's still his fiancée) as soon as they've finished poking and prodding him and asking him the same questions over and over.

  • The Dangling Conversation

    "Like a poem poorly written/We are verses out of rhythm/Couplets out of rhyme/In syncopated time/And the dangling conversation/And the superficial sighs/Are the borders of our lives" How Will and MacKenzie fall into sync again; a snapshot survey of their lives. Spans pre-Season 1 through Season 2.

  • Rainy Sunday

    "It happens on a Sunday." A one-shot in which an umbrella sparks a conversation about mothers, daughters, and the future. Set somewhere in Season 6.

  • Before and After

    There is her mother before, and there is her mother after, and they might as well be two different people. There is her life before, and there is her life after, and she cannot reconcile the two. A 2 POV one-shot in which Grace and Alicia reflect on the aftermath of 5x15.