

  • Stay

    "What changed?" she asked. "Nothing. That was the problem."

  • In Another Life

    A collection of AU one-shots featuring Clara and the the Doctor (Ten, Eleven, and/or Twelve). These are all written in response to prompts supplied by my tumblr users, which will be displayed at the top of each story.

  • Missing Files

    A series of one-shots set in the IT Guy-verse. Eleven/Clara AU.

  • The Unspoken Question

    You don't have to be alone to feel lonely (Twelve/Clara, spoilers for "Deep Breath")

  • Something Old, Something New

    A series of one-shots featuring Clara and the Twelfth Doctor.

  • Silver Lining

    Clara doesn't survive after she jumps into the Doctor's time stream. Years later, he is travelling alone when he's stranded in one of the bleakest moments in human history. It was the last place he ever hoped to see her again.

  • Souvenir

    The Doctor knew he was doomed to think about that night until the day he died, a day he had prepared to face on Trenzalore. The the universe had other plans, however - plans he never saw coming.

  • The Spare Room

    The Lodger AU. The Doctor is stranded on Earth in 2010 after being separated from Amy and Rory, who are trapped inside a TARDIS that cannot land due to a mysterious force located coming from the flat above Clara Oswald's. The Doctor moves into her spare room while he tries to sort everything out, but finds more of mystery in his new flatmate than the problem upstairs.

  • If It Makes You Happy

    A collection of Eleven/Clara one-shots that exist in a universe where the Doctor and Clara have a more intimate relationship aboard the TARDIS (smut warning.)

  • Happy Endings

    The Doctor and Clara attend a Royal Wedding in the thirty-first century where they have a bit too much to drink.

  • Folie à Deux

    Whouffle AU: Nurse Clara Oswald takes a job working at a psychiatric facility where she is put in charge of the care of John Smith, one of the Institute's long-term patients. He suffers delusions that he's a time travelling alien, but Clara is able to see past the madness and into the man's heart.

  • Banoffee Pie

    Clara gets a craving. Pregnancy fic for Zoe's birthday.

  • Cider and Champagne

    Every love has a beginning.