

  • Ice-Cream on the Curb

    Ah, summer, the time when school lets out, hair gets lighter, skin gets burned, and vacation time begins! Unless you are a twenty-four year old, blue haired singer for the band Gorillaz. Then summer was a time for new music, staying in doors, and going to concerts. Not that it was any fun or anything. Summer for 2D and Noodle. Set during phase 1.

  • Life Goes On

    Lars never liked doctors' offices in general, but today, he knew he should hate them.

  • Running Away and Coming Back

    Jack finds out he is pregnant. So what does he do? Run, of course. How does Bunny react? Read to find out

  • Terrible Things

    Greg tells Steven about his mother. Song fic

  • The Gorillaz's adventures with AutoCorrect

    What happens when the Gorillaz get auto correct? Hilarity, of course!

  • Russdoc

    Russel has had a long day, but goes to check on Murdoc anyway. Some interesting events follow.

  • Temporary Salvation

    Three months...Three months was all it took before he was gone.You hadn't know. You hadn't known for a full three hours after it had happened. But...you knew. A sort of gloom had been hanging around Beach City all day. The sun had been blocked by clouds, casting an eery fog throughout the boardwalk. The gloom crept into homes, cradling its victim.

  • Seasons in the Sun

    2D believes he is about to die on Plastic Beach. Before he goes, he says his final good byes to his band mates.

  • Freeze a Broken Heart Together

    For years, Bunny has felt that being a guardian was a curse. That was, until, he met a particular winter sprite. Disclaimers: I own nothing. This fic was requested from my friend, Vibe.

  • Music to My Mind

    2D finds a way to pass the time on Plastic Beach.

  • Sadie and Lars: Where It All Began

    Maybe you should start from the very beginning. Sadie and Lars weren't always friends. Well...they weren't much of anything to begin with, but, something had to change it. How did they become friends? And where does their friendship go from there?

  • Motor High

    What happens if the events of Motorcity were told as high school events? Kane is the principal, The Duke is the choir director, and Kaia is the school nurse? What about the Burners? Read and find out!

  • An Average Day with The Gorillaz

    Nothing is ever average with the Gorillaz. Read as they turn every day events into an adventure.

  • The Miraculous Journey of Deddy Bear Wartooth

    After being left behind after a concert, Deddy Bear must set out on a long journey to find his way home. Throughout his travels, Deddy meets many new faces, some trying to detour him from his quest. Will he ever find Toki again? Will Toki every find him? Read and find out

  • Head to Toe

    It was a question you got often, so often, in fact, that you just stopped answering it all together. Still, perhaps your answer wasn't made clear the first one-hundred times, so maybe you would give it a go one more time. What does Sadie love about Lars?

  • Hate Me

    I want her to hate me for that. I want her to hate me every day of her life for the way I treated her. I would never wish something so horrible as such on anyone else other than myself. I want her to hate me the way I hate myself right now. I want her to realize what's finally good for her.

  • A Girl's Gotta Do What A Girl's Gotta Do

    Sequel to Every Man For Himself. We already got to see how the boys live with Noodle, but what about Noodle living with the boys? Can she handle their crazy antics? How ever will she keep them in line?

  • Drunken Phone Calls

    Somewhere between the third or fourth phone call and you blacking out for the umpteenth time, you'd begin to stop pleading for an answer on the phone. You now whispered apologies, trying to take back everything you had said and always knew you would regret someday. At this time you began to plead for forgiveness. A drunk Murdoc calls 2D to apologize.

  • Drunk Ideas

    A very drunk Murdoc has a great idea. Poor 2D.

  • Killing Me Softly

    The wonderful music will forever play on in your head. And for the rest of your days, it would continue to kill you softly. Warning: Light Yaoi