
  • The Spectrum of Life

    HP/DM. HG/LL. SS/OC. RW/NL. Harry and Draco both want to stay apart from one another, but life keeps throwing them together and reminding them about the past. Then, four years after his death, Snape's Will is discovered, and it is down to them to find the mysterious woman that Snape wants to leave everything to. Slash. FemSlash. Het. Depiction of Autism.

  • A Grimm Family

    The Grimm Fairy Tales were based off real people. These fictional characters come to light after the war and are taken in by Hogwarts for protection. The chaos they cause has a massive impact on everyone's lives, especially when their captors return to take back what's rightfully there's. Many pairings inside and OCs. [SS&OC][HP&MaleOC][HG&OC][RW&OC][RL&MaleOC][DM&OC][NL&OC][GW&OC]

  • Grateful

    The rape of Hermione Granger is a sore subject. She didn't want people to know, nor receive sympathy, hugs, kind words, or have someone sugar-coat things. Her list of requests is what led her to approach Professor Snape deep within the night and utter those three words. Rated M.

  • Of All The Ways

    Severus finds himself in a long line to find out his fate. Heaven or Hell. As he gets closer he realises that he might not have done enough. He died in the Shrieking Shack and didn't see the war end. Had he done enough? He turns around and spots Hermione Granger standing a few feet away; he realises that he'd rather spend an eternity with her than rot in Hell. [HGxSS][HPxDM].

  • Inside The Manor

    It has been four long years since Hermione Granger broke Severus Snape's heart. Without a care in the world, she led him on and built him up so that she could knock him down. But, now she's back. Dumbledore offered her a job at Hogwarts, and Severus has to face his ex-wife every day. Walk past the love of his life in the corridors. And act like he no longer loves her.

  • Our Christmas

    Harry and Severus have shared a brief romance over two long years. For some reason, at every social event they end up furiously kissing one another. Everything comes to a head when they're invited to stay at Malfoy Manor for Christmas. Main pairing [HP/SS] but sub-pairing of [HG/LM] Slash.