PT-chan ssu

  • Uta no Megane-kun!

    A Yandere Fangirl is on the loose, Saruhiko gets a 'special' mission, and Misaki is not a closet fanboy. K/UtaPri xover where Saru-kun gets to be Tokiya's double for a week SaruMi

  • The Baskerville's Mystery Maze

    In the city of Sablier, there is a certain event that happens only once every 10 years; an event that can scar anyone's minds, bring thrills to the senses, madness to those unfortunate few, and fame to whomever was courageous enough to clear it… AU

  • K - Never Enter the Mansion

    "Hello? Kusanagi-san? I'm sorry to bother you, but I've got a reeeeeeally bad feeling right now. A-anyways, I sort of got stranded somewhere, and now I'm taking shelter i-in w-what looks like a H-Ha-Hau-nt-ed House... OF COURSE I'M NOT SC-ARED OR ANYTHING! B-But... yeah... uh...-" /THUD/ "T-That was the door..." / HetaOni K-Project version. Pairings?

  • The Mirror

    The mirror is cursed. He knew that much already. But it still didn't stop him from coming back; from dreaming; from succumbing to the beautiful world visible only through that pane of glass; so close yet so far, silent, unreachable. SaruMiSaru. Erised

  • Dissociation

    "It doesn't matter. I don't need you in my world anymore" was what the bastard said that day, like a slap to his face. So what was he doing here now? Days afterwards, holding him so gently it almost makes him cry? And here Yata realized: this wasn't Saruhiko. –At least not the one he knew, the one that laughed in his face as he burned everything Yata believed in.