
  • Today

    One-Shot H/D. I haven't posted anything in a long ass time, and I just wrote this for fun. A/N: Sorry about the lack of line breaks, it decided to delete them *Sigh*

  • Strange and Beautiful

    A modern Romeo and Juliet story, without the suicide, about Erin Mykal and Cedric Diggory, a pair of unfortunate lovers. Cowritten by True Roswellian.

  • Natural Selection

    Two very different characters attract...but will his ego get in the way? DMEM with possibility of OC. Not your convention fanfic.

  • Blue Roses

    COMPLETE! Tragedy. Lies. Deception. Dark Magic. And that's just the beginning of everyday problems for Cedric and Skye.

  • Bloodlust

    Christine Vanderkraan is a vampire spy and mass murderer for Lord Voldemort when he is defeated by Harry Potter. Now, she must get revenge, but what if someone else stands in the way? Rated M for violence.