No Sleep Until Vacation

  • The Last Dance

    Poetry about the villains from 2002.

  • Too Many Davis Fics in a Nutshell

    The other Digidestined hate Davis, until they realize what a grave error that was!

  • Ready, Set, No!

    Digimon Racing is a Game Boy Advance game where digimon race around in cars. So of course they'd exclude the two digimon who actually had a car.

  • In Which a Spider Plays a Flute

    And a mishap occurs.

  • The Author Every Author Should Know

    Purple Prose, a fledgling writer, has just submitted her first fanfiction, and she's excited. So excited, in fact, that she sings her own version of Rarity's song.

  • The Art of the Fic

    A fanfiction writer just wanted her friends to critique her work, but... Note: most of this is a parody of Art of the Dress.

  • The Battle

    Meowth and Murkrow are known for fighting over shiny objects.

  • Dani's Day Out

    When Dani, the female version of Davis, overhears her friends talking about her, she runs off. Later, she goes to the arcade and tries to win a prize. What else will happen on her day out?