
  • A glimpse of winter

    A one-shot about Mayu inspired by her song: Ao/Blue.

  • Blaze in memory

    Still horrible with summaries :) IA wakes up in a back alley, in a place she doesn't remember;what is she doing here? who was she searching for the night before she woke up in that back alley?

  • A new beginning

    After hearing that Rikka chose her chuunibyou over him, Yuuta breaks their contract and decides to move on. One thing for starters:this won't be a YuutaxRikka pairing. Secondly, if you love that pairing-DON'T READ THIS! And no, I don't hate YuutaxRikka; I love this pairing very much-I'm just trying to write something different :) don't be too harsh on me for this and enjoy! :)

  • Life Test

    My 3rd fan fiction,thank you for reading it- I hope you'll like it :) In the future, there is a test by which the person's fate is decided: either he/she will live or die. Miki Nakamura knows she has to live on, not for herself but for her mother and her sisters,after her father's death. What will Miki's fate be? Will she live or die?