
  • Say what!

    Dante can't remember the previous night and Nero seems to be upset about it, and every time he has something close to a flash back his head blocks the rest with a painful headache. Will Nero tell him what happened last night? / Short mention of sex, no explicit or mature content

  • Reasons to stay

    "There are a few things that you should know before you make life turning decisions. First of all you need to know that there's always someone that might get hurt, and that someone might be the only person you'll ever love; secondly, you might open an option to someone else to take the person you love away; thirdly, you might regret it forever."/ No lemon, sorry, fellas.

  • Smirk, chuckle and kiss

    This is a story about two not dumb and totally not gay best friends that enjoy an afternoon together. This just don't go as expected and supposed relationships aren't true and others begin.

  • Drabble Collection: Couples

    This is a collection of short stories about 5 of my favourite couples in the anime/manga. You can find KukaixUtau, IkutoxAmu, TsukasaxTadase, KairixYaya, NaghihikoxRima. If any of those bother you turn away.

  • Deanism and Angels

    This is a pretty random little thing, basically: Cass Dean laptop pie Sam at the end and a lot of non-sense, I think. Hope you guys like it, it's my first SPN fanfic so, yeah. :'D

  • When it rains

    "She knew it. She knew it all along. But she wanted to make herself believe that he hasn't just used her. That he, the man of her dreams, had just used her to give birth to that child she wanted to call hers. But he took the baby to live with him. He left her to live with him again... He stole him again! Why wasn't she good enough for him like Jounouchi was?"

  • What if

    "This begins with a plain old day in Konoha." / Kakashi Gaiden never happened in here, they have a perfectly normal teenage life

  • Role the Dice

    When a game turns into an argument it takes two to say sorry and fix things up. T for language.