I Write Sins Not Tragidies

  • no more teachers, dirty looks

    There are few things that could have make him happier with his job. Until the seventh grade English teacher retired, that is. /middle school teachers!au/part of "round again" au series

  • saved by the bell

    High school isn't easy. Follow the students at Seattle Grace Mercy West High School as they make it through the 2013-2014 school year, from the first day to the last, dealing with friendships, relationships, betrayals, and, most of all, drama. As Principal Webber would say; "Welcome to Seattle Grace Mercy West High!"

  • Life

    Five facts not many people know about Rose Weasley- but Scorpius does. Drabbles about the life of Rose Weasley and the devil himself, Scorpius. Rose/Scorp Albus/OC. Rated T for good luck.

  • Marrying Harry Potter

    "I'm going to marry Harry Potter" First year Ginny Weasley says wistfully. One-Shot. Ginny/Harry

  • New Day

    Harry, Ron, and Hermione go out for the first time since the end of the war. One-Shot. I wrote it quickly, so it may be of crappy quality.

  • The Mirror

    Ron runs into an old "friend". Takes place during HBP. Ron/Hermione one-shot. COMPLETE.