
  • A Devil's Justice Volume 1: Motion

    By day he is high school student and teenager Ragna Redgrave, by night he is the vigilante of Redgrave City: half human, half devil and son of the Legendary Dark Knight. He will learn what it means to be a hero, what it means to love, and regain a family. He will face the forces of Hell, Heaven, and the forces of evil to protect all he loves while doing it in STYLE! OC/Large harem.

  • Star Wars Episode VII: A Spark of Light

    The First Order rages war across the Galaxy in the wake of Luke Skywalker's disappearance. The Resistance stands against the Order, even at it's breaking point. A Smuggler and his crew discover a small droid that will lead them in this war of Light and Dark. A boy who has no memories of his past will do anything in his power to protect his family and embrace his Destiny.

  • The First Hybrid book 1: War

    For ages, the blood fued between vampires and werewolves waged on for centuries. Zero, the first, the original hybrid, half vampire, half werewolf has served the vampires for centuries. Now the Lycans are trying to find a man named Michael Corvin. Its up to Zero, and his partner Selene too save Michael and stop the lycans. OC/harem, Just three girls. Hellsing Elements(Not a lot.)

  • Omega's Injustice

    Zero succeeded in bringing peace to his world, dying to do it. But instead of dying, he was transported to a world of a never ending battle. Zero realizes this and decided to put an end to it. Now he fights to bring peace to the DC world as Omega. He will fight to his last breath to defeat his enemies, he is Zero, the Anti-Hero. Very powerful Zero, harem. Don't like, don't read.

  • Borderlands: Rise of the Omega

    Zer0, an assassin with a mysterious past, tries to escape his demons. The Vault was believed to be his escape. But even on Pandora, you're past comes back to haunt you. Now Zer0 must make the ultimate choice, become the monster he was born to be and destroy the life he has now. Or conquer his demons, and become something much more. He is Zer0, he is the Omega. Zer0/Harem.

  • Star Wars: Attack of the Guardians

    Drake, Lyle, Cole, and Kara have done it all. They defeated the Black Heart and saved Earth. But their journey is not yet over. When they are sucked into a portal and transported, they will have to stop a galactic war. Watch out universe, the Guardians are here. OC/Harem, OC/Barriss, OC/OC, OC/Unknown at the moment.