
  • Let Me Count the Ways

    Billy loves Martha, and Martha loves Billy. Their relationship is one of the best things about Silk; a genuine friendship between two polar opposites who are perhaps more alike than they may care to admit, even to themselves. The story opens when Billy first learns that he is not well: what will happen when he finally tells Martha? BBC own what's theirs, the rest is my own work.

  • Flight Distance

    Harry, alone with his thoughts, and Ruth, alone in her grief after the death of Jo, has to be one of the most heart-rending endings to an episode ever in Spooks (and there are many from which to choose). This is my take on what may have occurred after the final scene of 8.3. As ever, Kudos/BBC own what's theirs, and the rest is my own work.

  • Next of Kin

    Set immediately post-10.6. Proof that family comes in many forms, even for the formidable Harry Pearce. Features a goodly dose of Harry and Malcolm, plus a few others. This is a multi-chapter fic, but will be short-ish, unlike my main obsession, Hook, Line & Sinker. BBC/Kudos own what's theirs, the rest is my own work.