Demona Evernight

  • The Pyro and The Fire Keeper

    What if Pyro had someone more than just the students and the x-men? What if he had someone to protect? Would things still have turned out the same or would they be different?

  • The Orange Spark of the Leaf

    What if Naruto had a twin? Someone to share in the burden of being a jinchuuriki? What if she replaced Sakura on squad seven? How would she change things? Especially when she's more like their parents then even Naruto is? And could she change Sasuke's fate or be pulled down into the dark with him?

  • Protector of the One Who Protects

    Ok here is the new story it's nothing like the old one so sorry if it disappoints. It may just be a few chapters or I may turn it into something more it depends on how people react to it. No flaming! What if Ichigo had a twin? How would she be affected by what Ichigo gets himself into? Would she survive? Who would save her?

  • After the Boom

    What if their had been another crew member? One more like Andie and Moose then anyone realized? How would she change things? Moose/Oc

  • The Disgrace of the Uchiha Clan

    What if Sasuke and Itachi had a little sister? One who refused to believe the lie she had been told? Would things turn out differently or would it inevitably remain the same? Could she save her brothers from the destructive paths they were on? Or would they drag her down with them?

  • Hell's Angel

    What if Hellboy hadn't been the only thing that came threw the portal? An angel, a sister, cast into the shadows to slay him and all darkness. She alone can change the Fate of many. Could she save him and an elfin man so consumed by his own anguish that he would throw away everything even his own life? Would anyone save her when she needs it most? rated mostly for language

  • Marshall Lee Songs

    These are just my version of some of Marceline's songs changed to fit Marshall Lee I may only do the one or I may make up more later IDK right now

  • My Protector, My Undead Knight

    What if there was a witch similar to Misty Day? Someone who didn't know where there gifts came from just that they had them. What if she met Kyle instead and helped bring him back? Would he still be just as damaged or would knowing this girl who rivaled the sun in warmth and goodness change how he turned out? And could he protect her from the world that would wish her harm?

  • Riot Girl

    Marshall Lee's finally met his perfect match and her name is Blair. She's a hood rat rocker chick with a bad attitude and a mean looking guitar and the land of Aaa will never be the same after she drops in. Can Marshall tame this wild child or will he just be dragged along for the ride? Rated for swearing and maybe explicit scenes later IDK yet

  • Scars On Our Hearts

    This is mostly based off what I know of the comics with mentions of YJ it will be Jason Todd/Red Hood centered. What if Jason had more to lose than just his life? What if he had someone who understood him better than anyone ever could? How would she change things? Two broken people can sometimes come together to make a whole. Their scars do not define them their hearts do.

  • The House That Bruce Built

    I always thought the Batfamily needed a mother figure so this is what I came up with. Bruce had a younger sister who was shot and paralyzed the night their parents were killed and she loved each and every one of the Robin as though they were her own children. A little short story of one-shots. M for Jason's mouth

  • Guardian of the Balance

    There are ten legendary warriors right? That's what the legends say what they have forgotten is the Guardian the one digimon who protects the balance of both worlds for if it were to tip in either favor the worlds would be thrown into chaos. Can one blind girl really help save the digital world? And can she maybe find something more than her freedom along the way? KoujiXOc

  • The Rebel Soldier and His Lady

    Garrett/Oc takes place during Breaking Dawn There was someone else that Jasper and Alice collected to stand against the Volturi a French woman by the name of Genevieve. A lady and revolutionary in her time. Upon meeting she and Garret feel a spark, a pull to each other. Will they survive to see it through? Or will they perish at the Volturi's hands?

  • Sister So Sweet

    How was Spencer able to connect to Sammy so easily? Why is Beethoven his favorite composer? Is he really an only child or does he merely have many secrets?

  • Waking Spring

    We all saw that whenever Bunnymund uses his tunnels a flower blooms but he can't possible be responsible for all of the flowers and plants for Spring right? What if he wasn't the only spirit of spring? What if there was a girl too? One who hibernates during the winter and that's why the plants die? What if she was in trouble? Would she become a Guardian? And what about Jack?

  • Need your help

    hey not a story but I need help finding this one it's about a girl who has magic powers from her grandma named Tilly and she is Carlisle's daughter and Jasper's mate and there's a vamp after her cause he was obsessed with her grandma pm me or something it's driving me crazy..er and that's saying something!