Sky Kurosaki

  • Deathberry's Wrath on the World

    The day when Ichigo first met his zanpakuto spirit, was the day when the world gained a new protector. IchigoxHarem. BAMF Ichigo! Superpowered Ichigo!

  • Kaze-chan's Shinigami

    Being awakened in a deserted land, with nothing but his name to remember. He is already stressed and add to that blood loving barbaric peoples and monsters who try to eat you, then he is frustrated. How will Ichigo cope in this world with nothing but a dual sword, an annoying but very beautiful woman and a slient teenager?

  • Zanpakuto

    Nothing but Zanpakutou!

  • My Wife

    My Family. How did it end like this? JollyxFelicita

  • A Journey of Love and Friendship

    With his Pokémons and the thought of one young Champion in his mind; Ash takes the region of Sinnoh with storm. AshxCynthia. Rayshipping! Aura Ash. Smart Ash.

  • Never The Pure

    Heat. Unbearable. What will Fuyumi do to unleash it?

  • A New Master

    "So he is our would be new Master?" Travel with Ichigo as he learns about his role in the World and to endure the love of many womens. Godlike Ichigo! Superpowered Ichigo! IchigoxHarem.