Ethereal Trixster

  • Team KALM

    They all wanted something, Kisaragi wanted to make her proud. Jasmine wanted a true purpose something that was her calling. Lilac wanted her studies to mean something even if it was used for all the wrong reasons. Murako only wanted to make a living and t support her family i life. This is what they sought but the answer to those questions lied in the middle of trouble.

  • Minor God Hero

    Naruto always thought he was special. So when he's attacked on his school trip, Naruto dives right in to a world that he barely understands but feels a small sense of familiarity that makes him wonder if there is more to his dreams than he thought. So along with his friend hopefully he can figure out his own life and help him save the world by retrieving a stolen bolt. NarutoxHarem

  • The Hunter of Biju

    Naruto never thought much of his life as a seven year old, until the week before he fell under his godfather's custody. Ten years later he finds himself staring at Beacon academy, intent on gaining the knowledge and strength to change the world for the better. His teammates all came with a goal to help, but to him killing all nine Biju is the best way to fix the world. Narutox?

  • Konoha's Newest Ninjas!

    Naruto's plan was to steal the scroll learn a super cool ninjutsu and give Konoha a reason to look at him with respect. This would have been a great idea if things hadn't changed when three girls fall into his lap from another world entirely. Now assigned with two of the three as teammates, how different will things play out now, with a team that cares?NarutoxSunsetxTrixiexTwilgiht