Where to Today

  • Elemental Sisters

    When Gandalf stumbles upon three strange girls in Middle Earth he takes them under his wing. What happens when they become daughters to him and the elves and Saruman find out? What happens when these girls catch the eye of three elves? HaldirXOC, LegolasXOC, and ElrohirXOC. Rated M just in case and for later chapters.

  • Amici Intimi

    Hermione Granger finds herself given the opportunity to go back and save people, defeat Voldemort earlier. So, why can't Gideon and Fabian Prewett just leave her alone already! Rated M for later chapters. Fabien PrewettXHermione GrangerXGideon Prewett

  • Black Wizard

    Gandalf finds a beat and battered girl among orcs in a hideout. He takes her to Rivendell were he introduces her as the Black Wizard, her magic strong. Why is it that she trust Haldir so quickly? What happens when Haldir leaves and sees her again years later when she visits with Arwen? Can he still call her a younger sister? Rated M for later chapters just in case.