

  • waiting on you

    On a Saturday night, a strange girl climbs into Angel's bedroom. By Monday, she's his fake girlfriend. Nothing can possibly go wrong...right?

  • a life's worth

    Years later, Ryan and Marissa find themselves facing a new obstacle in their lives.

  • if you hold me without hurting me, you'll be the first who ever did

    Consisting of one-shots that are centred around the Bonnie & Damon relationship based on sentence prompts as a writing exercise for myself. May be romantic, angsty, toxic, whatever; enjoy!

  • there's a tattoo on my heart (and it's got your name all over it)

    But Stiles Stilinski? God, he's a nuisance and somehow he sticks in Malia's fucking brain no matter what.

  • Lack of Romance

    It's Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy's one-year anniversary of dating. Harry has planned an amazing surprise for Draco, but we all know how Harry possesses no skill in the romance department... (ONESHOT) NOTE: APP IS ACTING UP SO FORMAT IS ALL WEIRD, SORRY :(