
  • Boats Against The Current

    1920's Gatsby Inspired AU. As children, growing up on Long Island in the 1920's young Thor comes to base all his hope for the future on the green light that is Loki. Did he idealize the past? Was the perfection they had really what he thought it was? Was Loki who he thought he was? Can we in truth, repeat the past after all and should we if we can?

  • Diamonds and Pearls

    Loki's words drop from his lips, poisonous diamonds and venomous pearls and Thor is helpless to resist. Pure PWP, much abuse of the word "Brother". Extreme Thor/ Loki action. Enjoy. Now with a second chapter in which Thor gets his revenge!

  • A World I Never Made

    Modern AU in which biker!Thor meets LoungeSinger!Loki in an apparently sleazy club that is not all it seems, presided over by mysterious barman!Heimdall. Thorki. I normally hate AU's so hey, if you don't either this may be the AU for you! Now containing graphic sex and painful brother feels.

  • All the Stars Fell

    In which Thor and Loki set to work on healing each other's scars. "I'd like to kill the person who did that to you" he murmurs. Thor frowns and replies gently – "Loki you did that to me." Loki raises his head; "I know" he says". Thorki, beginning during "Dark World", graphic content, much hurt/ comfort.

  • A Study in Sapphire and Snow

    There is no Thor without Loki, no Loki without Thor. Before it all got complicated...well, it was still complicated, just more happily so. Next part in the "Colors of Asgard" series, though can stand alone. A series of adventures, arguments and an awful lot of smut. M rated for graphic Thorki.

  • What Once Was Mine

    "In the aftermath of it all Thor's feet return him to this place – treacherous feet, marching him like gaolers to what is left of Loki's cell. As if he has not mourned enough - his heart must bring him here to break loudly in his chest. For no, he cannot mourn enough; nor, he suspects, should he ever stop." Now with added Ragnarok. All the major character death ever.

  • We Could Be Heroes

    Rock Star Thor/ Glam Rock Loki AU! It's the 1970's and a mistake in management sees Thor Odinson's failing heavy rock band "Terminal Deafness" paired up with glam -goth -rock - experimental - Scandinavian group "Illusion's Destiny" in one of the greatest mis-matches of the glam rock age. Chaos edless the ill paired rock stars hate each other. Hate hate hate. That's all

  • Of Birds and Beasts

    A collection of Sansa/Sandor ficlets of all different genres, some explicit, some canon, some divergence from canon, some total au, angst, fluff and all sorts! Enjoy!

  • Riolozhikaik

    Riolozhikaik - contradicting or disregarding the principles of logic; without logic; senseless. The limits of Vulcan logic are so much tougher when half of your brain is a pesky illogical human. Spock - centric babblings by me.

  • The Taste of Fire

    More Hayffie! Sequel to "The Sound of Glass" set during and around the events of "Mockingjay". Effie wakes up on the morning of the quarter quell to find Haymitch gone and Peacekeepers at the door. Contains graphic depictions of sex, scenes of torture and canonical character death. Enjoy. :-)

  • The Sound of Glass

    She was a girl from the Capitol, he was a tribute from District 12. It was always going to be interesting. Haffie, the story before the Hunger Games. Romance, some humour, gets explicit in later chapters. Trigger warnings for substance abuse, because this is Haymitch we're talking about.

  • A Very Hayffie Christmas

    Pure and unadulterated festive fluff and crack of the Hayffie kind. Also with a side order of Katniss/ Peeta.

  • Random Rooms

    Inspired by a reference in TOS to the fact that The Enterprise has a bowling alley - got me wondering - what other curious rooms are there on board? So here are some little fics of many genres, mostly crack, dedicated to the curious and unexpected corners of our favourite starship! And as always in these crack fics some gentle Spirk and even gentler Chulu!

  • I'll Trick, You Treat

    A Thorki Halloween Special! Currently T rated, will go up to M in final chapter. Chapter 1 is Kids Thor and Loki and is mostly fluff and crack and cuteness. Chapter 2 is Thor with Kid Loki and is mostly fluff, some cuteness but not quite as tooth rotting as chapter 1. Chapter 3 is Thor with Teenage Loki and is mostly porns.

  • Vagabond Shoes

    Sequel to "A World I never made", modern AU, Thor and Loki are now living in New York where Loki has just landed his first major role on Broadway. Contains graphic sexual content. Thorki. How will Loki cope with fame? Why is he being stalked by the number 19? What will Heimdall do without his lounge singer? Will Thor ever get a real job? All will be revealed!

  • Shadow in the Sun

    Roman AU, Thor is a Gladiator in the Roman Colosseum, a captive from the wars against Germany, Loki is a Roman Nobleman, or something that looks a lot like it and everything Thor hates. When Loki sees Thor in the arena he knows he has to have him. Contains both non/ dub con and consensual sex, will attach warnings to all relevant chapters.

  • People Like Us

    Set after First Class, Erik is gone and Charles muses. Much angst. Very hurt. First person, Cherik. Currently T rated, may go up if continued.