

  • Ambuscade

    This is a multi-chapter fix that should end up being around 20-something chapters long. What happens when the trolls are mysteriously transported to the Harry Potter verse? I've already got the whole story planned, I just need to write it. Rating may change with time. R&R -[PD]

  • Friend

    A slightly gory, dark one-shot featuring Karkat and sober!Gamzee. Brief cameos from Nepeta and Equius. Hints of past!pale!GamKar. Enjoy! R&R -[PD]

  • Experiments

    This is a short Johnlock fic, in which they discuss Sherlock's experiments. Enjoy! R&R -[PD]

  • An Eventful Speech

    This is a short one-shot in which England manages to snatch the DADA spot from Moody, and France comes to visit. There is FrUK. And no, this is not intended as a crack-fic. Enjoy! R&R -[PD]

  • Ring Around the Rosie

    This is a gory one-shot. Hence the "M". Featuring insane!possessive!Mary. R&R -[PD]

  • Peace and Tea

    This is a short, fluffy Mami/Madoka one-shot. A tea party with a twist. I hope you like it! R&R -[PD]

  • Verum ot Audeant

    This is a truth or dare fanfiction. I know the first chapter is short, but the rest should be at least 1,000 words each. Give me some truths and/or dares through the reviews, and I'll upload some more chapters. Occasionally, I will upload a chapter with truths and dares not from the reviews. Thanks for reading, and I hope you'll enjoy this story. R&R -[PD]