
  • Falling For the Unexpected

    It was a fairly normal day in the Black Order HQ, until a certain crazy scientist decided to try out one of his "glorious" new potions on one unlucky Beansprout. warning! Yullen and some major OOCness!

  • Unexpected Warmth

    Kaneki texts Hide during a thunderstorm and let's just say the end result isn't texting (HideKane week Day 5!)

  • Out of Hand

    Kaneki wants to know what Hide is listening to, and things go unexpectedly well for the both of them (Day 3 of HideKane week)

  • My Only Sunshine

    Hide is tired after a date, and Kaneki gets caught up in the light of his life. Sorry for the shortness.. (Sort of a sequel to A New Development if you squint. Happy Day 2 of HideKane week!)

  • A New Development

    After classes end for the day, what started out as just Hide hanging out at Kaneki's room takes a turn when the blond gets bored. AKA my contributions for Hidekane week! (takes place after Kaneki becomes a ghoul and before he is captured and tortured. cover photo belongs to Ritunekohoneybee whenever it loads right!)