

  • Danger, With a Side of Luna

    Severus Snape has been in dangerous situations before, but none have been as nerve-wracking as this…

  • The Mistletoe Charm

    A charm on a loveseat in Grimmauld Place makes Snape and Hermione reevaluate their relationship. Set several years after DH. EWE.

  • Hiding the Truth

    An abusive relationship always has a starting event. A darkfic explaining the beginning of Tobias and Eileen Snape's unhappy marriage. Warning: domestic abuse.

  • Argilah and Smoke Rings

    Severus rests after a long day of teaching with bare feet and smoke rings.

  • Circus Caper

    A series of nightmares leaves Hermione wishing for a more ridiculous solution. A set of drabbles written for the GrangerSnape100 "Floo Challenge"

  • Ogling

    Severus is guilty of sarcasm and eyeing Hermione's assets.

  • Codewords

    Is Albus Dumbledore dotty? Or do his words have a hidden meaning? A story based around Dumbledore's speech from the feast at the beginning of the Sorcerers/Philosophers Stone.

  • There Will Not Be A Four

    Avada Kedavra only worked if you meant it. If you were giggling as you said it, it didn’t work. AU after the end of DH. EWE.

  • Beautiful

    Lucius ponders over what to give the woman who used to have everything for her fiftieth birthday.

  • Not Quite Birthday Cake

    George and Fred pull their first prank--on their ickle brother, Ron....

  • Small Boxes

    Hermione struggles to find Severus the perfect birthday present.

  • Yet Everything Stays the Same

    In spring 1980, Severus Snape hears a portion of a prophecy that will change the course of wizarding and Muggle history. The Dark Lord must choose a boy, but which? Snape is sent to discover the boy's identity, but the answers he seeks are not to be found in his world. Rated M for violence and eventual sexual situations. SS/HG.

  • Predictive Text

    Severus gets more than he expected after a mistake texting. A set of drabbles written for the GrangerSnape100 "Spelling Mistake Challenge."

  • The M Squad

    The moles were a yearly problem...

  • The Ghost of Christmas Passed

    Voldemort gets a surprise visit from the Ghost of Things Yet To Come. A dark comedy. Written in honor of hbar. Character death is in future memory form.

  • Overcoming Parentage

    Post-War, EWE. After the War is over, the Ministry decides to place the children of Death Eaters into rehabilitation. Draco Malfoy, living with Severus Snape, is forced into therapy with a former classmate. Rated M starting in chapter 7/8.

  • A Smudge Of Red

    "She has a smear of red ink on her nose, and he watches it flicker in the firelight. It mocks him, begs him to touch her, to remove it."

  • You Like Me Too Much

    Snape sticks his foot in his mouth, and only Ron, Harry, and George can save him.

  • Why, Oh Why

    Nothing can go well when Albus dresses Severus for a trip to Muggle London. This takes place sometime during 5th-6th year for the Golden Trio.

  • Aurora Borealis

    Snape shares a glass of wine with Sinistra on the Astronomy tower.