
  • Intertwining

    Sam never thought he would say yes. But Lucifer always knows what to say, what to do to make Sam feel wanted and respected; feelings he lacks as Dean doesn't know how to approach his brother. In the universe where Dean didn't get a warning, Sam got too remote for them to make up for it and Lucifer is always there, quietly whispering alluring words into Sam's ear.

  • Sleeping sun

    Lucifer had imagined the moment millions of times but it was even better. Finally reuniting with Sam was like embracing a sun.

  • Blasphemy

    Dean is falling apart because Sam said yes to Lucifer. The only thing left to him is Castiel but does Dean know what he has? Castiel is the most precious thing in the whole universe and Dean must learn that.

  • Decision

    "Whatever you do, whatever details you alter, we will always end up here." Maybe Lucifer's words had deeper meaning which Dean is only getting now when the world is shattering into pieces. And it's all his fault.

  • Brothers and sisters

    Sammy loves animals. Why can't he get one? Dean is so nasty not to allow Sam to have a pet.

  • The Fault in Divine Artwork

    Jimmy has been there all the time, watching and observing. He knows things about Castiel nobody else dares to guess about. And he knows for sure that Castiel is too much in love with Dean Winchester for everyone's and especially his own good.

  • Nejvěrnější služebník

    Příběh o Belatrix a Voldemortovi; o speciálním vztahu, který spolu měli, i o jiných věceh, které s tím neodmyslitelně souvisí

  • The letter

    Story about one unhappy girl loving the wrong boy. The part in italics is a letter.

  • The love of Albus Dumbledore

    A lot of people had seen Dumbledore's official last will. There was just one person who had seen the other one. In the first, Dumbledore bequeathed his possessions to people who needed it. In the latter, he passed on his heart to the one who had owned it for a century.

  • Thawing

    Winter is cold but even the most icy bits must thaw and melt into something else and - hopefully - beautiful.

  • Until the end of the line

    Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes, together, for now and forever. Separate short stories about this lovely and oh so adorable couple.

  • Castles in the air

    After some tiring weeks in the cage, Sam eventually gives up and allows Lucifer to show him what love feels like. And they are happy; after dealing with some problems, they become as happy as they could be given the circumstances. Star-crossed lovers as they are though, Dean can't let go of Sam's soul and drags his brother out of the pit - away from love, away from Lucifer.

  • School of love for young angels

    Dean has an important question to ask Castiel. Unlike the others, he dares to ask this one. And maybe Cas expected him to ask something else, but being an angel doesn't always mean being happy.

  • Phantom

    Sherlock is depressed. He loves John, but he can't have him. After some time he can't stand it any longer so he takes a drug to see John at least in his dellusions. What will he do when Moriarty appears instead?

  • The real threat

    Miri envied the blonde woman from the Enterprise so much and yet there was absolutely no danger from her. Set right before the end of 'Miri'.

  • Rivals

    AU. Jim and Spock are racing drivers and they are each other's greatest opponent and yet the best inspiration.