Kal-El Fornia

  • A Song of Guns and Fire

    When the Godfather Robert Baratheon dies, the different mafia families of Westeros County engage in a violent gang war for control of the Seven Cities.

  • Let's Go Sunning

    After Eulogy Jones sells two slave girls to the Lone Wanderer, they learn what it truly means to actually suffer.

  • The Iron Crown

    "That very well may be true, Ser Daisuke," she spoke his name and title with a mocking wicked smirk, "but when you play the Game of Thrones you either win or you die. There is no middle ground."

  • It's Not the Journey

    We all know Pokémon, don't we? It's a world of trainers and all their adorable friends, battling each other in a death world with soul-stealing monsters, horrifying ghosts, terrorists worshiping apocalyptic monsters, and NPCs that will stop at nothing to hunt you down and fight, where even the music itself is enough to give you nightmares. No wonder everyone there is crazy.

  • A Mother's Love

    The words of her House were 'Family. Duty. Honor.', and now was the first time that Catelyn had ever felt that she was truly living up to them. Jon would be her son, and she would be his mother. By the word of King Robert of the House Baratheon, the First of His Name, Jon Snow would become Jon Stark.

  • Abandon All Hope

    When Harry Potter dies in a magical duel fighting against the dark wizard Voldemort, he wakes up to find himself in Hell. It's not quite what he expected.

  • Apple Skins

    "I heard that apple skins have toxins in them." She didn't know why she blurted out what she did, but when she said it, Takeru paused in place and looked at her, before taking the next moment to regard his apple suspiciously.

  • Worthless

    He may have been born Casteless, supposedly rejected by the Stone, but with each and every step that he had taken to rage against the Blight, he thought that perhaps, just maybe, that the Ancestors had watched him with approval.

  • The Night that Winter Fell

    When Tywin Lannister receives news of the Red Wedding and Robb Stark's death, the Lord of Casterly Rock takes a moment to muse on the worthy opponent he found in the Young Wolf.

  • O Captain, My Captain

    A flicker of happiness danced across the Genie's sad eyes, and he looked up at the night sky again, the Genie toying with his magic for a moment to make the stars out there in the universe shine brighter than they ever had. A tribute to Robin Williams.

  • A Boy & His Digimon

    Takeru hesitated for a second, wondering if what he was about to ask meant that Patamon was a part of his family. "Do you know what love is?"

  • A Cold Wisconsin Night

    The young man swirled the bottle that his right hand was clutching onto fiercely, and he frowned, knowing that the amount left in it didn't have the sting that he was so determined to feel on that cold Wisconsin night.

  • The Breeze of Val Royeaux

    His entire life had been a series of living by tenets defined by other people, whether it was the Templars who watched him for signs of corruption, or the Grey Wardens who demanded that he remain vigilant, that he be Grey like the stone, a guardian against the Darkness. True freedom like that of the wind was something he had never tasted.

  • Two Worlds

    Perhaps in the same way that Rin embraced his world, danced under his moon and his stars, maybe in the same manner Sesshomaru took a peek into hers, taking just a single step into the place that Rin once called home.

  • Pink Lilies

    It was a laugh that stopped the world, and that made him feel as if he was the only person in the universe that could create that laugh. It was a laugh that stopped his heart, and her songful cadence drifted through the hallways of her apartment floor as her eyes shined only in his direction.

  • Some Men's Stomachs Hold Shadows Darker Than Any Tainted Creature

    The real reason that Teyrn Loghain betrayed King Cailan and left the Grey Wardens and basically the entire army to die at Ostagar is a lot less dramatic than most people realize.

  • When Butterflies Are in Love Do They Get Humans in Their Tummy?

    Taking a lesson out of Motomiya Jun's school of building healthy relationships, Miyako remains steadfast in her daily routine of following Ishida Yamato around without his knowledge. It's a happy little date in her delusional mind, or at least it was until the moment that Ken shows up, declaring his love.

  • Novoselic

    After Iori miraculously survived jumping out of a second story window to avoid eating Hikari's terrible cooking, he is visited by the two people he wants to see least in the world.

  • Like Something Out of a Storybook

    When a letter is delivered to the Tabris family in the Denerim alienage from a certain Elven Warden, the family gets a little insight into what their favorite Warden has been up to since Ostagar, and also a little knowledge as to who the young woman has begun to travel with.

  • Tandem

    When Takeru splits everyone up into pairs to write a tandem story together, it goes about as well as can be expected when Miyako and Daisuke are made to be partners.