A True Hufflepuff 13

  • The Raven

    A spoof of The Raven, by Edgar Allen Poe.

  • romione: Distance

    Ron is frustrated with the distance between him and Hermione. He needs to find something to help him before he ruins everything, but where can he look? The answer might be somewhere he doesn't expect. Setting: Before the end of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

  • Proposing at Christmastime

    Ron, Harry, and George are a bit nervous about proposing, but with help from Mrs. Weasley, they work out a suitable plan. Christmas time will be more exciting than ever this year!

  • A Matter of Good and Evil

    Neville is tired, Ginny is stubborn, and Luna is bloody. A one-shot. Set in Hogwarts, during Snape's term as headmaster. In which our two favorite outcasts discuss the fight between good and evil. Vague Neville/Luna romance because I ship them too much to write without it.

  • The Percabeth Puzzle

    A short one-shot about Poseidon and Athena, and the problems Percabeth both causes and fixes on Olympus. (Note: This is not and will never be a Pothema fic.) (Another note: This is chock full of spoilers.)

  • Green Eggs and Ham

    Harry Potter is six years old (but he's almost seven). Uncle Vernon wants him to cook fried eggs for Dudley's birthday, but can he do it without thinking of his favorite book? Written for my little brothers, so no strong language.