Carolare Scarletus

  • In Vow of Silence

    In lieu of a recent argument, Albus Potter takes a Vow of Silence when Scorpius Malfoy steps over the line and says something he shouldn't have. Little does he know, nefarious powers are at work and time was of the essence to save him and Albus.

  • Never Enough

    For Hermione Granger, the Opal Spirit of the circus she works for, wonder will never be enough, and when a stranger happens to walks in and accidentally watches her practice, she realizes that wonder has always been there to pick her up when she's fallen.

  • Eidolon

    At the end of the corridor stood a mysterious door. No one went in, and no one certainly came out. One night during patrol, Theodore Nott's curiosity gets the best of him, and when he stumbles into the door, it's not at all what he expected. Luna Lovegood has been keeping a secret, and in the end, she reveals to him that everything thus far has only been nothing more than a lie.

  • In the End

    Amid the final battle, Lord Voldemort lures Harry Potter into the Forbidden Forest to await his trial. Harry has done everything the Dark Lord asked, even going as far as ensuring the death of Severus Snape. Once there, he tries to recruit him one last time for the Dark Side by telling him he needs to kill one of them in order to make them invincible. Dark!Harry

  • Protego Totalum

    When Pansy Parkinson finds herself seeking the affections of a girl in a painting, she discovers that, on the surface, not everything is what it seems. True darkness lies within, and simply suppressing that emotion was dangerous within its own right.

  • Chain of Pearls

    Charlie Weasley takes it upon himself to care for a dragon whose slim chances of survival invigorates his passion for caring for magical creatures.

  • Fated to be Ours

    For three years they have been watching her. Eclipsed by the emerald hue of their inhibitions that surrounds them, they've kept a careful eye on the woman that had been destined to become theirs since the dawn of time. The beautiful maiden remains blissfully unaware of the mounting attraction that's slowly blossoming between the three of them Au, non-canon, DracoxHermionexBlaise

  • Well of Sorrow

    Helena Ravenclaw is expecting her first child, but when a visit from a good friend turns dark, she struggles to accept that attraction she has to the Dark Forest. It calls out to like nothing ever had, but she fears what could await her once she's there.

  • Forgiveness in Memories

    For the last twenty years, Draco Malfoy has watched his wife of the last century wither away until she was practically nothing. With one final act of kindness, he presented her a vial of her memories in hopes that, when the time finally comes, she'd leave this world knowing that she was loved and that he did everything out of his devotion for her.

  • Angel's Trumpet

    Lucius Malfoy, at the verge of losing control, learns available lesson about life and about himself before ending his life

  • Midnight Ashes

    Sirius Black, the son of the infamous member of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, is expected to uphold every tradition, including marriage. During a soiree held in his honor, he meets a stranger whose captivating eyes and sensual kisses have him addicted and questioning everything he's ever been taught. Will there be love in this time of war, or will everything crash down?

  • Impetus

    It takes more than two seemingly opposite attractions to come together for a higher purpose. After the fall of Voldemort, what is there left when all hope seems to be lost? For one man, it's the decision to take the road often taken. For the woman that found her way into his heart, it's up to her to stop him.

  • Caesura

    Dumbledore's dead, leaving the Order of the Phoenix is in disarray. Harry Potter is joined with his best friends on a hunt for Horcruxes, the thing where Lord Voldemort's obsession lies and providing a journey that none of them foresaw that they would have to undertake. (AU)

  • Beauty is Beast

    "He was warned not to be deceived by appearances." During a ball held for the prestigious son of Lord Malfoy in the wake of his coronation of the sacred twenty-eight, Hermione Jean captivates the interest of Draco Malfoy and a romance blossoms between them but at a startling price. Beauty is not what it seems. Romance; Drama; The Beauty and the Beast reimagined.

  • A Moment Like This

    A collection of Drabbles ranging from fond Laughter to Magical Delights. Dramione; Romance; Angst; Hurt/Comfort

  • Together, we Rise

    There once were three brothers who escaped Death and were gifted three extraordinary items. It came to pass, the more the possessed the items, the stronger their true natures became. Cadmus Peverell risks everything as he tries to maintain the jealously that rides within, but it eventually makes him do something that he would live the rest of his life regretting.

  • The Dark Lyre

    Overwhelmed with grief, Orpheus travels to the underworld to collect his wife and strikes up a bargain with Hades. The catch is, Eurydice has to walk behind him, and Orpheus can't look back to make sure she's following him. The couple ascends to the surface without a problem. Though, there is a certain lesson in cheating death.

  • Charmed by You

    Everything about Christmas was perfect for Hermione Granger, but for Tom Riddle, something was missing...

  • Destiny in Blood

    Power has always been in his mind, even at a young age. When Albus Dumbledore comes to visit Tom Riddle, he discovers a whole new side of Voldemort through his beloved pet, Nagini.

  • Fairest

    Family traditions within the Malfoy Family has always been upheld. That is, until Draco Malfoy develops feelings for their muse, and invites her to attend a ball held in the honor of uniting families. Susan Bones comes to find that the Malfoy's are the most dangerous family, and underneath their guise is an ugly truth. And, it's all because of their family portrait.