
  • An Epilogue to a Story I'll Never Write

    Scaylah fluff takes place far after Star Trek Beyond. Yes, they named their kid Enterprise, but you're lying to yourself if you try to pretend that is not 100% Scotty and Jaylah vibes. I had a dream about Montgomery Scotty, and literally could not sleep anymore until this was written down. Not a story, but an epilogue to a fanfiction that only exists in the mirror dimension.

  • Obliviate

    All Jacob wants to do is remember the girl who keeps appearing in his dreams. All Queenie wants to do is forget. Jakweenie from Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.

  • Uhh, Henchmen

    It's a quick little story about Drakken and Shego's relationship told from the henchmen's point of view. It's short, sweet, and kind of dumb since its from the henchmen's point of view. Hope you, uhh, enjoy!