Sauron Gorthaur

  • Five Moments of Feeling

    Five moments in which Data experiences emotion and becomes just a little bit more human. A "if Data hadn't gotten the emotion chip" AU.

  • Gorthauro Estel

    What if Sauron had not fled? In which Sauron takes Eonwe's advice and returns to Valinor to face judgment for his deeds.

  • Crush

    Data believes he is malfunctioning. But when he talks to Geordi about the strange anomalies plaguing his systems, it turns out that there might be something else going on entirely.

  • Yes

    Sigyn doesn't know how to answer a very important question from the most capricious and mischievous of all the gods. It's an even harder decision to make when all her friends are saying the exact opposite as her heart.

  • Stranded

    It's not easy being hijacked. But it's even worse to get through it, only to be abandoned by the person they're trying to convince you was your closest friend. Peeta's POV.

  • The Most Important Question

    ...is - what color are Loki's eyes? Thor and Loki read their fanmail and discuss the important things in life.

  • Holiday of Doom!

    Bah, what could be more un-dark-lord-ish than a holiday to celebrate love and friendship? Dirk and his friends - er, minions - Chris and Sooz, decide to rival Valentine's Day with a holiday of their very own: Dark Lord style! Valentine's Day three-shot.

  • Not So Crazy After All

    When Sooz falls into the Darklands, her first thought is: Oh my gosh, it's real! But her second thought is: Dirk was telling the truth all along and we all thought he was crazy. A one-shot from Sooz's perspective about what her Dark Lord friend must have been feeling all this time.

  • Oh, For a Single Laugh

    After successfully making Skadi laugh, Loki reflects on why he chose the method he did.

  • God of Lies

    What does Loki think about being "the god of lies"? This haiku in Loki's voice is the answer.

  • Dear Loki

    Loki's Number One Fan, Roskva, has a present for her favorite god, but Loki isn't quite as pleased with it as Roskva is. Winner of the 2013 "Gospel of Loki" contest.

  • The Price of Being a Dark Lord

    Just before Dirk regains his original form after drinking the Essence of Evil, he screams, "Noooo! Not that!" An odd thing to say for a Dark Lord who's been willing to do anything to get his powers back... This is why he said what he did.