
  • In the Arms of Home

    He has her pulled against his chest tight like he's afraid he'll lose her again if he leaves her alone. She doesn't mind; she welcomes it actually. The need to have him against her proves to her that she's still alive. He'll never have to read the note she wrote him and tucked away with her blood. He'll never have to know what it's like living without her. Post-ep for 6x17.

  • Rivers and Roads

    "It's even better…it's invisible." Post-ep for 7x03, Clear and Present Danger.

  • Flashbacks and Echoes

    "But the longer she stares at him, the more she realizes that she knows him, that she dated him in high school, and that this is the man who took her virginity." Inspired by this tumblr prompt: childhood sweethearts who moved away and then into the same apartment block by chance AU

  • Hanging On

    He holds her against him, his heart still caught in his throat. She's been holding back from touching him. Probably because she's had this flicker of doubt about him not wanting her. And that kills him. Because of course he wants her. He wants her more than he's ever wanted anything. Post-ep for 7x01, Driven.

  • Aspirin

    Her head is pounding by the time she finally makes it through the door to the loft. She hasn't had a headache this bad since the hangover she got post karaoke night in the Hamptons. All she wants to do is take a hot shower, or maybe a long bath, and crawl into bed. But the look on Castle's face when she walks in the door tells her that's easier said than done. Short drabble for Nen

  • Sin

    They were going back. Headed back to the same ropes course that started their relationship. Only this year, she's not allowed to have him. And that only makes her want him that much more. Sequel to Lust.

  • If I Never Met You

    This wasn't her. This wasn't his Kate, his Beckett. This was the hollow shell of a woman he'd met nearly seven years ago, beaten down endlessly by a case she was never going to solve. She was just older, her hair lighter, but her same cynicism surrounded her. This is the Kate, the Beckett, he spent years trying to knock down the walls of.

  • Undressed to Kill

    "Do you want to take this into the bedroom?" she asks. "I'm wearing your favorite bra today." Post-ep one shot for Dressed to Kill.

  • Reunion

    When she gets him back after the accident, she doesn't want to let go of him for the fear that she'll lose him again. She wonders if this is how he felt after she had been shot. Sure they weren't together then, but he had loved her. And with love, came pain. Developed from a prompt I received on Tumblr.

  • The End of the Day

    "The sheets are bunched up around her hips and her eyes sweep over the room taking stock of their various articles of clothing strewn about the floor. She spots her wedding dress crumpled in a pile by the door, and stands to go hang it up." A short little piece about Castle and Beckett's wedding night conversation as requested by a friendly anon on Tumblr.

  • Blackbird

    Castle pokes his head into their bedroom to see if she's awake yet. She spent the better part of the night crying in his arms so he doesn't want to rob her of any sleep, but if she's not up soon they're going to be late. Alternative ending for "Under Fire."

  • This Is Not The End

    "This wasn't happening. This wasn't real. They did not rescue him from his kidnapping or whatever the hell that was to turn around and have her get kidnapped." Post ep for 7x14 "Resurrection" and eventually for 7x15 "Reckoning."

  • Bliss: An FAE Companion

    "What you said earlier," she starts. "About wanting all of me? I want all of you too." An insert scene for Flashbacks and Echoes.

  • Heartbeats

    AU. When a teenage girl is found orphaned after both of her parents are murdered, Beckett struggles to find the girl more family. When the DNA results return Beckett as a match, she quickly realizes the young girl is the baby she gave up for adoption. Set during season 6.

  • Tumbleweeds

    An episode insert for 7x07. What would have happened if they hadn't been interrupted by that snake.

  • Lust

    She wanted him. She wasn't supposed to want him. He was her partner. Castle was her partner. Based off of the SVU fic "Ropes" by MaddyM.

  • Crash Into Me

    "Hi, this is Dr. Asher calling from Mount Sinai Hospital on behalf of Katherine Beckett. There's been an accident." Set during season 4 by request. A look at what would have happened if Castle and Beckett had decided to start their relationship earlier in season 4.

  • Numb

    "She feels numb. It's an ache that permeates deep into her bones. It hurts. Everything hurts." Short drabble post-ep for the season 6 finale.

  • Defeating the Dragon

    "He pulls her into his arms and she's still stunned by the fact that it's over. Fifteen years in the making and the evidence she needed was right in front of her the whole time. She wants to kick herself for it, for not coming to this conclusion sooner, but she tells herself that now isn't the time." There's probably a million post-eps for 6x22 by now. Here's mine.

  • How 'Bout Them Yankees

    Castle grins, watching her. He never realized how into baseball she was. Not until she met Joe Torre last year that is. So when his publisher handed him tickets to a Yankees game earlier this week, he knew exactly who to give the second ticket to. Prompt from Tumblr: "A first kiss where they're at a Yankees game and it's the kiss cam on them and they just decide to go for it."