
  • Olympians Into Students

    Due to some of the Olympians constant bickering, Hestia somehow found a new form of her power; Rage. Using this newfound power, she somehow became stronger than all the Olympians in a matter of seconds. And guess what happened next? (Contains Thalico, Percabeth, Pothena, Traite, and a few others! ;D)

  • Bianca Lives AU

    Summary: With that flick of a finger from The Three Fates, and adding an extra few words to someone's sentence eighty years later, the fates ensured that Bianca di Angelo survives a bit more than she should've, which is good and bad for different reasons…

  • Many Colours

    Isn't it interesting when you meet your past's futures or your future's pasts? Especially when they're staring at your extraordinary scarf or your ridiculous coat... ...times when Four, or Six, or both of them, met their futures and their pasts. As in, companions.

  • Forgotten

    "I never wanted to go to camp... or take a trip into the forest… and I didn't ask to be chased by a tornado... but, honestly, the worst thing of all... ...was being forgotten." [-] A suspenseful, slightly supernatural, mystery Peanuts fanfiction - with some tragedy, comfort, romance, and hopefully humour as well.

  • Cookies

    Cookies can be considered the greatest food in the world – sometimes soft, and sometimes gooey, but always baked, and always tasty… …as long as it isn't coconut. [-] In which Charlie Brown starts a cookie stand. It's surprisingly okay. A (hopefully) somewhat humorous and overall good-feeling-ness fanfiction. I think.

  • Snapping

    When Charlie Brown snaps, it's quite different from how other people snap… (A short oneshot/somewhat drabble based on a comic strip from November 23rd, 1968. I suggest you quickly read that first.)

  • Beethoven's Birthday

    Just a short oneshot about Beethoven's Birthday, with Lucy and Schroeder. [[Happy Beethvoen's Birthday, everyone! :D And sorry about the cut-off cover image.]]

  • The Apartment Building

    Lots of people have moved in and out of this apartment building. It has eight floors, six rooms on each floor - besides the lobby, of course - and many stories to tell. Pretty much everyone from the Whoniverse in an apartment building. Not at the same time and space, of course. Not exactly.

  • It's Just Truth or Dare

    The demigods learn a new batch of terror that's worse than any monster or quest… Truth or Dare. But just a small game of Truth or Dare wouldn't be that bad, right? Percabeth (duh.), Thalico, Liper, Frazel and Jeyna! (Those are "the" ships. In the dares and stuff, there's a lot of different couples... which are just meant to be funny. ;D)

  • And Along Came the Gender Bend

    So, I didn't want to magically become the opposite gender. But I had to anyway. Whoop-dee-doo. Genderswap, genderbend, genderchange, whatever you want to call it. I guess it's weird, but it's also kinda fun. In a way.