
  • Slip into Something Special

    "Even better," she called from the bathroom as she stepped out of her panties, the last piece of clothing to go. Rounding the bathroom door, she paused, waiting until she had his attention. He sat up, eyes roving her naked form, and she smirked at him. "It's invisible," she teased. Post-ep for 7.03, picking up where the episode ended. One shot. Complete.

  • We Could Always Just Cuddle

    A collection of unrelated drabbles, based around the hugs/cuddles meme on Tumblr. AMAZING cover art by dtrekker!

  • Breaking Apart

    "She didn't need to look at him to know his eyes were on her, gray in the shadows of the lamp-lit loft, expression as closed to her now as it had been for weeks... months. Instead, she nodded, forcing her face into her best detective mask so he wouldn't see the broken shards of her heart splintered across the floor between them." 2nd Place in the Castle Contest. Oneshot. Complete.

  • Taking the Edge Off

    He slumped dramatically against the entrance door to shut it, but only silence greeted him as he glanced around the empty loft. Huh. Weird. "Kate? I'm home!" A first anniversary surprise. ThankYouTerri prompt fill. Oneshot. Complete and steamy.

  • A One And Done Kind Of Girl

    "I'm sorry, there's a mistake. I've never been married." The clerk was not to be put off. "Well according to this, you have. And it looks like you still are." What if Kate's Vegas bridegroom wasn't Rogan after all? An AU meeting/6x23 fix-it, cowritten by AnnieXM and louisiemcdoogle.

  • And A Bottle Makes Two

    "It had been years since he'd done this. Even longer since he'd done this alone." The night after Johanna's funeral, Jim Beckett is still dealing with grief. A Tumblr ficlet, expanded a little. Oneshot.

  • The More, The Merrier

    Episode insert for 4x16 Linchpin. When Kate and Castle have their argument in the morgue, what would have happened if he had responded to her "Sleep with whoever you want - the more, the merrier!" comment honestly? Written for a prompt/challenge on Twitter. One Shot.

  • Honeymilk and Happiness

    "He knew he was being a sap. He knew it, but her laugh made his toes curl and his stomach flip and his heart expand, and all he wanted to do was hear her make that sound every single day of his life." HAPPY BIRTHDAY BERKIE! Ryan/Jenny oneshot. The fluffiest fluff that ever fluffed.

  • Bend it like Beckett

    "He loved her. He wanted to marry her. He loved her more than his job, more than his plans. He already considered her to be a part of his family. In spite of everything that had happened today, she could honestly say that she had never been happier in her life." Smutty post ep for Deep Cover. One shot.

  • Memoirs of an Editor

    "The reason for her distraction was lying unattended on her desk- an innocuous looking newspaper, abandoned on page six... Many people would have kept reading through the rest of the paper, but Gina had reason to pause. The author in question was her ex-husband. One of them." A look at Gina's back story, written to clear up the Griffin/Cowell debate. One shot.