
  • Tempus Ferati

    A collection of short scenes and drabbles that while fun, either didn't fit anywhere else after the story changed or were deleted to move the plot along. Centered on the characters Daryl and Seraphim from my WD Fanfiction Occasio Ultima; no spoilers for it's end but you should probably read that first. This is what the characters get up to when I can't keep them on task! Enjoy!

  • The Plum End

    Posted so it doesn't get lost in my shuffle, might sit for a while! DarkFic hurt/comfort. Babe. Stephanie ends up in trouble during what should have been a routine capture, can Ranger save her from something far more sinister before it's too late?

  • RangeMan Rules of Engagement

    After another disaster Steph accepts permanent employment from Ranger. Then when Ranger goes 'in the wind' Steph gets roped into a series of 'challenges' from the MerryMen! All designed to make her a better bounty hunter…or so they claim… Is it possible the MerryMen are having a little fun at Ranger and Steph's expense? …nobodies that brave, are they? ! Babe Pairing!

  • The Panty Perspective

    Rangemen don't wear thongs! (Unless they're Stephanie Plum that is!) Stephanie's underpants get her into trouble with a certain hot Cuban… probably a one-shot, may turn into chapters or into several shorts with the same theme. We'll see how much fun I have with it first! (Babe Always)

  • Another Chance

    Battling a group of dark mages a spell and a time wave Cassie's just released combine accidently backfiring with disastrous consequences, leaving Pritkin responsible for a 5 year old Cassie. With no powers and no idea who she is supposed to be, can Pritkin keep her safe from Vampires, the Circle and Senate and reverse the spell? What might he learn along the way? Eventual Cas/Pit

  • Gone Girl

    Ranger comes back from being 'in the wind' to learn there's a manhunt on for Stephanie Plum who's been missing for four months. When he learns she's on video surveillance the day before she disappeared stealing thousands from his company and that his daughter Julie is also gone Ranger has to wonder if he ever knew her at all? Babe & Julie HEA? (No relation to the book)

  • The girl who stood Between

    I do not know what I did, it must have been something terrible, but I do not remember it. I have always been in section six. The doctors change, the scientist come and go, the soldiers too. Only I am constant. Correction, I was. I am there no more. OC/OC Story (Set in the same universe as my Daryl/Seraphim stories.)

  • Novissimo - Last Stand

    (Book Two) I can feel him watching me. Revulsion twist my insides, fear threatening to blot out my ability to think. I push it down, there's no time for that, not if we want to live. "So how's a pretty thing like you survive out there without a group?" I glare back at him ignoring Chris's leer. "Easy" I tell him "Always make sure your the biggest monster in the room." Daryl/Fin

  • Raising Hel

    Cassie/Pritkin All the Way! Cassandra Palmer struggles through life without her favorite war mage by her side, desperate to bring him back at any cost she takes a gamble jumping through time streams; to the one person who can help her save him. Will it pay off or is she too late? Spoilers for Tempt the Stars!

  • Bathrooms in Hell

    Pritkin not Caleb escorts Cassie to the bathroom in Hell to wash up while they wait for the council's decision and some not at all G rated behavior ensues. ( As only it can between my favorite half-demon war mage and his demi-goddess!) PWP because clearly they're already IN Hell might as well Earn it the way we all wanted them too! LOL

  • Occasio Ultima - Last Chance

    "How the hell'd you survive out here for so long?" I stare back at him, trying to decide if he wants the truth. Knowing I can't give it. If I tell him, the only thing I'll have left to do is die. ( Book One Daryl/Seraphim Series)

  • A Different Hotel Lobby

    This starts in the hotel lobby at Dante's, immediately after the portal jump back to earth from Hell, while the Allu are attacking. not really a spoiler for TtS. Definitely departs from Canon, and dives into what I'd like to call M2.0! It's a "fix it fic" for those of us desperate for more Cassie/Pritkin action and stuck waiting for the resolution in RtW.